
Showing posts from October, 2018

letters to a crook

This letter was inspired by Johnnie Elyse on Instagram (IG: johnnie.elyse) and her Letters To A Crook project.  She encouraged followers to write a letter to their illness and she would pick some to put in a book to be published. Once again, this is something that takes me deep out of my comfort zone but I felt such a peaceful feeling after writing it.  She prompted you to write the letter but in the end, let that illness know that they would not win.  So here's my letter to anxiety... Dear Anxiety, I know that you typically dominate the conversation, you decide when it begins and when it ends. You decide if it’s a full blown conversation or just a quick chat. You decide the time and the place. You’ve ruined nights, family gatherings, work, and my relationships. You are a toxic friend whom I’ve tried so hard to ignore but whose presence I’ve felt the strongest. You’ve caused me to hide under my covers as an adult, cancel plans that I wanted to keep and have complete breakdowns.